Let it Grow

Hi. My name is Neil. Welcome to my No-Shave November fundraising page. For the past few years, I have participated in No-Shave November - not because of cancer but because, at times, I am incredibly lazy and don't want to shave. Thankfully, my employer only cares about productivity and not necessarily the state of hygiene in which that productivity is achieved, so after about two weeks at most and near-unbearable itchiness, I shave it all off and start the cycle again. I have the privilege of starting again.
Something you might not know about me is that my biological paternal grandmother was taken by breast cancer when my dad was about 9 years old. My best friend's dad, while we were in high school, also battled (and defeated!) prostate cancer. Cancer is a disease that touches, wrings, and leaves lives out to dry. Its diagnosis fatally affects 22,000 people around the world daily, and you, too, might know someone who has cancer right now. But enough of that. Here's my horse in the race.
Every day, I will upload a new photo of myself and try not to think too much about those people, their families and friends while I gleefully manicure the first real beard I've ever grown. All proceeds will be given to No-Shave November at the end of the month and matched by my employer, Infegy. Also, all pictures from the month will be uploaded to my website at http://www.lioninawhat.com/no-shave. And if I'm lucky enough, my beard will be donated to Locks of Love.




Rick Thawani

Way to go Neil!


John Coler

Neil, I love your face, bare or hairy. Looking forward to seeing what November 30th will look like on that mug... especially since it is a for a good cause. Rock Chalk! ;)


Neil Thawani

It's me! Putting my money where my mouth is.


Mohit Thawani

Let's get the word out!


Adina Stoica



At least one of us doesn't have to shave for work everyday. #FacialHairEquality


Adam Conway

Let it grow!


Babir Sultan

Well done.


Justin Graves

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No-Shave November is a web-based, non-profit organization devoted to growing cancer awareness and raising funds to support cancer prevention, research, and education.

$630 of $5,000
